We appreciate that the world is becoming full of headphones and earphones and it is becoming ever more difficult to distinguish between them. Different frequency ranges, open back, closed back, different cable lengths etc etc. We have made a headphone comparison website that enables you to quickly identify the differences between all of the headphones we can supply. Hopefully this will make it easier to compare Sennheiser headphones versus Audio Technica, and Grado against Beyerdynamic or even various models within the same brand, we enable you to compare many brands of headphones and it’s completely up to you which ones you compare. If you are browsing a pair of headphones and you see this logosimply press it and it will bring up a side bar where you can add a further 3 headphones as can be seen below.
After you have viewed all of the headphones you wish to compare simply tap the button and we will display a side by side comparison of the headphones you have chosen to make it simple to see all of the differences. To begin comparing headphones view this page an select which headphones to compare.
Headphones have become the accessory to have and over the last few years companies have invested money in releasing their own versions. Even companies such as Musical Fidelity, whom have never made a headphone have introduced their EB50 balanced armature headphones alongside a raft of other headphones. The trouble is that they all have different specifications, they all have different length leads and they all sound different. Now its exceptionally hard for us to let you know what they sound like online…..however we can give you all the other information and that’s what we have tried to do with our new headphone comparison website. We hope you find it helpful and of course we will be constantly updating our range of headphones so please pop back from time to time.