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  • £318
  • £5171
Amplifier Type


In essence, all an amplifier does is increase the level of an input signal. Audio amplifiers come in three main designs: First are preamplifiers - preamps - which boost a weak signal (from microphones, instruments, turntables etc) up to the level required for further amplification, critically without adding noise or distortion. Next are power amplifiers - power amps - which boost the line-level signal up to the level required to drive loudspeakers. Finally there are integrated amplifiers - integrated amps - which contain both a preamp AND a power amp, all in one tidy box.

Audio Sanctuary are trusted global suppliers of headphones, spares, cables, portable audio and electronics. However we also have a full showroom in South-West London, shared by our sister company Unilet Sound & Vision. Unilet have been open since 1969, and are dedicated to the best in hi-fi and home cinema. A small selection of amplifiers are listed below from Astell&Kern, Heed Audio and Leema Acoustics, however do visit Unilet for our extensive complete range, contact us for advice, or visit our showroom for a demonstration.

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Price from £265.83
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Price from £1,665.83
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Price from £2,500.00
Price from £1,150.00
Price from £3,591.67
Price from £2,832.50
Price from £832.50
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Price from £2,750.00
Price from £1,457.50
Price from £1,479.17

In essence, all an amplifier does is increase the level of an input signal. Audio amplifiers come in three main designs: First are preamplifiers - preamps - which boost a weak signal (from microphones, instruments, turntables etc) up to the level required for further amplification, critically without adding noise or distortion. Next are power amplifiers - power amps - which boost the line-level signal up to the level required to drive loudspeakers. Finally there are integrated amplifiers - integrated amps - which contain both a preamp AND a power amp, all in one tidy box.

Audio Sanctuary are trusted global suppliers of headphones, spares, cables, portable audio and electronics. However we also have a full showroom in South-West London, shared by our sister company Unilet Sound & Vision. Unilet have been open since 1969, and are dedicated to the best in hi-fi and home cinema. A small selection of amplifiers are listed below from Astell&Kern, Heed Audio and Leema Acoustics, however do visit Unilet for our extensive complete range, contact us for advice, or visit our showroom for a demonstration.